One of the main challenges that the Yellow Pages market has faced recently is providing consumers with a way to access local businesses without needing a directory or laptop. Fortunately, tablets, personal and portable computers that fall somewhere between a smartphone and laptop, have made this challenge much easier to overcome. With a combination of highly interactive apps and websites customized to make use of all the fun features tablets offer, the Yellow Pages have once more made their presence known as the main source consumers trust for reliable and accurate information about local products and services.
One of the best things about using the Internet Yellow Pages on tablets is that they allow consumers to search for everything they need by simply opening up a Web browser on their tablet and visiting their Internet Yellow Pages site of choice. However, tablets make the Yellow Pages experience much more visually appealing and interactive, since consumers can use the touch screen to scroll through sites and click on links, all while on the go.
For users that prefer to download apps instead of using the Web browser on their tablet, many Yellow Pages companies have developed interactive, easy-to-use, free apps for tablets. These provide consumers with everything they love about the Yellow Pages but all within a few taps of an app. One popular app that the Yellow Pages market has developed offers consumers location-based information with an engaging interface that encourages them to explore. Users can search for businesses by category, save businesses to a list of favorites, add local businesses to contact lists, and send business information to mobile devices such as smartphones. The app also allows consumers to get directions to businesses, view websites and videos, and read ratings and reviews, all from the app. To meet the demand for Yellow Pages as more consumers are constantly on the go, the Yellow Pages market has developed useful and interactive Websites and apps that allow users to find all the local information they need. This is just one of the many ways that tablets and Yellow Pages are revolutionizing the way consumers experience media and giving new meaning to interactive advertising strategies.